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Unnamed Horde Game (U.H.G)
Unnamed Horde Game (UHG) is a single player/co-operative, 3D, PvE, survival horde game. The game takes place in an underground cave, doubling as a research facility of undisclosed nature. Players take control of an ex-marine that was hired by a private company to work as a security personnel to protect the “payload”. The player’s goal is to continuously fight off increasingly larger waves of enemies, and remain aware of the payload’s condition. Built using Unreal Engine 4.26, UHG takes full advantage of Unreal’s powerful relationship between C++ and Blueprints.
Game Files: Trailer:
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Game Programming (Advanced diploma)
Faculty Advisor:
Bedi, Vishaal
Noor, Umer