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Reducing Paramedic Response Times

Long-Alexander, Riley
It is common for an ambulance to have difficulty reaching an accident scene quickly in urban environments. Every extra minute it takes to reach a patient could have life or death consequences. Getting paramedics to the scene faster, as well as transporting patients to the hospital more quickly could reduce suffering and improve chances of survival. To design an improved medical transport device, the typical tasks and challenges paramedics face in their work will need to be researched. The drawbacks surrounding current emergency medical transport would also need to be addressed. A successful solution to this issue would reduce response times and get patients to hospital more quickly. It would be more ergonomic for both paramedics and patients, while simplifying the workflow of the paramedics allowing for more streamlined patient care. The concept would be a more effective solution than current medical transport, while embodying a more sustainable ethic through electric power and the use of sustainable materials.
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Industrial Design (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Thomson, Bruce
Type of Work: Thesis