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MECHXPRESS - Mobile Auto Mechanic Work Station

Mills, Eve
Current mobile mechanic setups typically involve makeshift arrangements operated out of the back of a van. However, these solutions often lack the capacity to handle larger jobs efficiently and lack proper workflow organization. With the mobile mechanics industry experiencing significant growth because of people's time constraints and budget, there's an urgent need for more effective solutions. The current setups fail to support sustainable and efficient business practices. Mobile auto mechanics frequently find themselves spending excessive time organizing and repairing supplies that have been strewn around, detracting from valuable time that could be spent at job sites. The demand for this service is evident from customers, but it's now crucial to equip mechanics with the right tools to further propel the industry's growth.
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Industrial Design (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Chong, Catherine
Type of Work: Thesis