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KICKO - a convenient and hygienic public electric scooter solution

KyeongHoon, Kim
Korean Transportation Safety Authority enacted a regulation that all-electric scooter riders must wear protective gear. However, only 2.9% of public electric scooter users reported wearing helmets because they felt uncomfortable sharing helmets for hygienic reasons. Additionally, many public electric scooters block the path of pedestrians whose space is already limited. KICKO provides a convenient and hygienic public electric scooter solution in the urban environment. A liner can be purchased at any of KICKO’s kiosks that can be attached to the inside of the helmet to separate the user's head and the public helmet’s inner surface. After a user’s journey, they can park at any kiosk near them, and users can choose to keep their liner for future usage or simply return to the recycling bin located at the kiosk.
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Industrial Design (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Chong, Catherine
Zaccolo, Sandro
Type of Work: Thesis