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Fox Man Go!

Kucharczyk, Lukaszde Lange, Ethan
Fox Man Go! is a 3D platformer project, made in Unity, that was created for the Capstone Project course at Humber College. Our project features, power ups, level selection and multiple levels, enemies, sound effects playing when a certain action happens, shaders, enemy waypoints and a win condition for when all the collectables are collected in a level. In the game, you play as a salesman that was kidnapped by a scientist and his clone, who managed to escape after being transformed. The goal of the game to find the level portals, or find all the collectables that are scattered throughout the levels. The technology that was used to make Fox Man Go was Unity with the 3D software they had available, along with extensions. The extensions we used are CineMachine and animation rigging.
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Game Programming (Advanced diploma)
Faculty Advisor: 
Sabie, Dina
Type of Work: Capstone project