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Emergency Response in Challenging Terrain

Medeiros, Ethan
Extreme outdoor recreational activities, such as rock climbing, mountain biking, and hiking, have experienced a surge in popularity, often unfolding in challenging terrains. Conventional emergency response systems and vehicles find themselves inadequately equipped to navigate these environments efficiently, resulting in prolonged wait times and diminished chances of successful rescue. This thesis aims to confront this issue by investigating ways to enhance emergency response capabilities in challenging terrain, with a primary focus on refining user interaction design and ensuring physical comfort for both patients and paramedics. The overarching goal is to elevate the overall outdoor adventure experience while prioritizing sustainability and social responsibility to minimize environmental impact. This research, centered on emergency responses in challenging terrains, is distinctive and innovative, amalgamating human-centered design, technology optimization, and environmental sustainability. Employing methodologies like literature review, data collection, and interviews with field experts, the study aims to craft a comprehensive solution that not only ensures the safety and well-being of outdoor enthusiasts but also safeguards the environments where these activities transpire. Keywords: extreme outdoor activities, emergency response, challenging terrain, user interaction design, sustainability, social responsibility, environmental impact, safety, wellbeing
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Industrial Design (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Chong, Catherine
Type of Work: Thesis