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AUTOCAST - Enhancing Orthopedic Casts In Rural Areas

Rowland, Daniel
In rural areas, limited medical facilities and a shortage of specialists present barriers to timely and adequate, medical care. Long travel times for treatment can result in delayed healing and a higher chance of complications. Rural medical centers typically use traditional plaster or fiberglass casts for treating bone fractures, which requires specific training and can lead to patient discomfort, disrupting daily activities. Enter, the Auto Cast: a portable automatic casting device to be used in resource-scarce settings. It allows a wider range of healthcare providers to apply casts precisely, addressing the shortfall of specialist care. This innovation promises to improve treatment outcomes, enhance access to quality care, and support health equity in underserved areas.
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Industrial Design (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Chong, Catherine
Type of Work: Thesis