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How Biophilic Design and Net Zero Design contribute to Environmental Sustainability and Users’ Health within a Medical Skin Care Clinic

Parypa, Vanessa
The purpose of the design research aims to provide interior design strategies utilizing biophilic design and net zero design to contribute to environmental sustainability and the user’s overall health. The research paper aims to bridge the gap between conventional and human-centered healthcare clinics. Through past, current, and future analysis of healthcare clinic design, in addition to the researchers’ findings from the participants involved in the study. The researcher discovers a shift in what healthcare clinics were perceived as in the past, their potential, and what they can evolve to. A new net zero design and biophilia-inspired space will embrace its potential and serve as a human-centered space for its users.
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Interior Design (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Stranks, Anna
Mian, Zaiba
Type of Work: Thesis