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An Examination of the Impact of Government Communication in a Pandemic

Thi Thu An (Anna) Nguyen
People have experienced many pandemics in the last centuries, and these pandemics can cause fatal consequences if the governments and leaders fail to communicate with their citizens effectively during a challenging time. As the COVID-19 pandemic is evolving, many governments have been struggling to inform and to educate their residents. This thesis aims to answer the research question through secondary and primary research: What is the role of public relations practitioners in government communication during a pandemic? In the secondary research, there are related definitions, examples of governments worldwide handling the COVID-19 pandemic, issues, and essential elements that affect government communication. The primary research included a 14-question survey and generated 356 responses. Overall, this study will be valuable to public relations and communication practitioners, government leaders, and public health experts who seek a deep understanding of government communication during a pandemic.
Faculty: Faculty of Media, Creative Arts, and Design
Program: Public Relations (Bachelor degree)
Faculty Advisor: 
Dr. Boyko, Lydia
Type of Work: Thesis